I want to be...

Our Careers Team will support you throughout your education and beyond. If you need guidance regarding our courses and their potential outcomes, talk to us.

Career Advisor looking at screen

Our Work Experience Team provides high-quality work experiences and work-related activities for students on vocational programmes and encourages them to engage fully with local employers and the professional community.

We believe that work placements provide invaluable experiences that complement classroom learning. Work placements also allow companies to share skills and knowledge, demonstrate best practices, and showcase the benefits of a productive attitude to work, all of which will help to ensure a positive impact on the workforce of the future.

There are many benefits for the students, including:

  • Experience in the world of work will increase your employability skill development
  • Opportunities tailored to students’ future career aspirations
  • Experience to guide future career decision-making
  • Bursaries available for travel, subsistence and work-related protective equipment
  • Use of a bespoke platform called Navigate – learners are supported through their journey and can easily record and evidence their workplace activity, progress and areas for development

Want to know more? email the team at work.experience@lsec.ac.uk

Career Advantage

The Career Advantage provides the crucial skills employers and universities require to give you that all-important competitive edge.

Work Experience

Our Work Experience Team provides high-quality work experiences and work-related activities for students on vocational, academic, and higher education programmes.

Career Coach and Other Resources

The latest career software and resources support our service. Current students can access a variety of resources via Canvas, Career Advantage, Career Coach and EClips