Governance at the college

Board members are volunteers essential in setting the college's strategic direction. The Board ensures accountability for using public funds by monitoring and evaluating the College’s performance.

The Board’s policy is to allow open access to as much information as possible about the Board's work, and I hope you will find what you need.

The  London South East Colleges Board (College Board) operates within the London & South East Education Group.

Board members are volunteers who play an essential part in setting the college's strategic direction. The Board ensures accountability for using public funds by monitoring and evaluating the College’s performance.

Putting students at the heart of governance is critical and is a key focus of the board's work.

The Board encourages the recruitment of Governors from all community sections, and applications are always welcomed from people of all cultural backgrounds with various skills and experience.

If you would like further information on the work of the Board or wish to make an application to become a Governor, then please get in touch with our Clerk, Jennifer Pharo at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  • Group Structure and Committees

    London South East Education Group 

    London and South East Education Group was formed in 2018, encompassing Bromley College (with its eight campuses), multi-academy trust (with its seven schools) and two apprenticeship companies. This new over-arching organisation reflects our growth since the merger and position as south east London's leading educational provider. The Group includes the Further Education Colleges in the London Boroughs of Bromley, Bexley and the Royal Borough of Greenwich. The Academies are in Bromley and Bexley.

    The group is key in helping people gain the skills they need for today’s fast-moving world and achieve their potential. This is vital for our students, our communities, and the country’s economy.

    London South East Colleges Board

    The London South East Colleges Board has ultimate overall responsibility for the performance of the further education colleges within the Group.

    The London South East Colleges Board has the following responsibilities that it cannot delegate to another body:

    • The determination and development of the educational character and mission of the institution;

    • The approval of the annual estimates of income and expenditure;

    • The responsibility for ensuring the solvency of the institution and the Corporation and for safeguarding their assets;

    • The appointment of the Chief Executive, Principal or holder of a senior post; The appointment of the Clerk; and

    • The modification or revocation of the Articles of Government.

    One of the critical tasks of the London South East Colleges Board is to monitor performance against agreed strategic objectives and to hold the Executive to account for the performance of the Colleges within the Group.


    The committees which serve the London South East Colleges Board are as follows:

    The Group Audit Committee

    The main responsibility of this committee is to advise the governing body on how well the College's internal control systems (e.g. finance, IT, etc.) are working.  It has a key role in acting as an 'independent arm' to ensure the information provided to the governing body – and the systems that generate it – are robust and accurate. In other words, the committee is the governing body's 'eyes and ears'.  The members must be capable of independent, authoritative and objective consideration of complex and potentially sensitive issues and must provide impartial advice to the governing body.

    The Group Finance Committee

    The main responsibility of this committee is to advise the governing body on all aspects of its finances, financial policies and controls (e.g. annual budgets, capital expenditure and funding).  Its members determine the College's investment and borrowing programmes and review the financial regulations regularly. They also recommend the annual accounts to the governing body for approval.

    The Group Search Committee

    The committee advises the governing body on the appointment of its members, to identify nominations in respect of vacancies, and to consider the composition and balance of the board and its committees.  It monitors members' attendance at all meetings and undertakes periodical skills audits to balance the range of skills and experience of the governing body.

    The Group Remuneration Committee

    The committee’s responsibility is to make recommendations to the Corporation on the remuneration and benefits of the Principal and other senior post-holders.

    To view our complete group structure, click here.

    Standing orders are published annually and made available to all governors.

  • Articles of Association

      Click here, to view our Articles of Association

    If you want further information, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. our Group Executive Director of Governance and Administration

  • Corporation

    Independent boards of governors lead colleges. The corporation's role is to set the college's mission and strategic direction, oversee quality and financial performance, challenge the executive on delivery, and hold the Principal accountable.

    The Corporation conducts its business through meetings of the full Corporation and a number of committees: Audit, Curriculum & Quality, Strategy, Governance and Search, Finance and Remuneration. It is the Corporation’s responsibility to bring independent judgement to bear on issues of strategy, performance, resources and standards of conduct.

    The Corporation comprises governors who cover a wide range of professional, business or community experience, which is called upon when decision-making. The Principal is also a member of the Corporation and there is also a staff governor and a student governor.

    The full Corporation meets at least four times a year as well as holding a strategic day, whereby members are provided with regular and timely information on the overall performance of the College together with other information such as key performance indicators and updates from the Principal.

  • Financial Statements
  • Useful links


Board minutes published by the College.


Governance information, including Articles of Association, Useful links and Financial Statements

The Colleges Board

The Board ensures accountability for using public funds by monitoring and evaluating the College’s performance.