green skills hub

We work with employers across the region to ensure our training meets industry needs and gives our students exposure to the world of work.

The green industries are growing at an exponential rate. New job opportunities are emerging. It’s vital that employers, educators and local authorities come together to address skills challenges and ensure there is a pipeline of skilled individuals to fill these roles.

We offer a wide range of qualifications and courses to help you develop the skills you need to access these exciting new job opportunities.

We work with employers across the region to ensure our training meets the needs of industry and gives our students exposure to world of work.

Local London Green Jobs and Skills partnership:

In 2022, we established the Local London Green Jobs and Skills partnership. This is a collaboration of Further and Higher Education providers, local authorities and employers in North, East and South East London - all of which are committed to maximising the potential of the green economy by ensuring the delivery of high-quality green skills training.

The Local London Green Jobs and Skills Partnership is supported by £6.5 million from the Government’s Local Skills Improvement Fund, which was awarded to us in November 2023. This grant allows our area to respond to the priorities identified by employers in the Local Skills Improvement Plan for Local London.

Central to this project is the development of cutting-edge green labs, which are located at colleges across the Local London region. Our green lab is located at our Bromley Campus – and is equipped with the latest technologies to prepare learners for green jobs – including retrofitting and insulation technologies, ground source heat pumps, Computer-Aided Design (CAD), and electric vehicle charging insulation. For more information about this pioneering collaboration, visit

local london green jobsmayor of london


Student Support

Starting college can be a giant leap if you have just finished school or are returning to education after a few years. We will make this transition as easy as possible, providing all the support you need to settle in

Financial Support

We are committed to supporting students in order for them to overcome any financial barriers to learning.

Term Dates

Key term dates and opening times