Lets talk about the College

Selecting the right college is a huge decision that can shape your future. London South East Colleges offers a mature learning environment and skill development opportunities to help you progress towards your career or university goals.

The information below relates to the nationally-dated examinations that will be taking place in 2024. Some practical and online exams occur year-round; your tutors will notify you of these dates.

Before examinations begin, you should familiarise yourself with the documents published by the Joint Council for Qualifications below.

Further reading

Confirmation of exam entries

If you have been entered for an external exam, you will receive a 'statement of entry' in the post and an email to your student college email with a personalised timetable for the examinations you have been entered for, along with other relevant information. If any of the information is incorrect or you believe an examination is missing, please get in touch with the exams team by emailing This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

You will be informed by text if you have been entered for an online, on-demand external exam. Please ensure that your mobile phone number and home address held by the College is current. 


Results – January Exam Sitting: Tutors will inform learners of their January unit results.

Results – Summer Exam Sitting: Results are sent to your student college email at 9am. Please check your email address before the day to ensure you can log in. You can collect your results in person by visiting the campus where you took your exam between 9am and 2pm. Please bring a photo ID.

Result days are as follows:

  • T-level Core Resits, Level 3 BTEC - 21 March 2024
  • Level 3 BTEC and T-levels - 15 August 2024
  • Level 2 BTEC and GCSE examinations - 22 August 2024

Results for qualifications that do not include a national exam result may differ depending on the Awarding Bodies submission and certification process. For qualifications where exams and assessments are continuing, the results will be released as and when the Awarding Body processes them.

Post Results Services

If there is a severe concern about a result, the College can request a re-marking service from the appropriate Awarding Body. Re-marking should start immediately after consultation with the Head of Curriculum concerned. The final date for submission is within three weeks after the results are issued. Details of the procedures, the fees involved, the d application form can be found in the Access to Scripts, Reviews of Results and Appeal Procedures 2023/24 document.

The Awarding Bodies issue certificates well after the exams, usually at the end of October. Certificates are posted to your home address once the Exams Team has processed them. Please ensure that your home address details held by the College are current.

Student Support

Starting college can be a giant leap if you have just finished school or are returning to education after a few years. We will make this transition as easy as possible, providing all the support you need to settle in

Financial Support

We are committed to supporting students in order for them to overcome any financial barriers to learning.

Term Dates

Key term dates and opening times