Lets talk about the College

Selecting the right college is a huge decision that can shape your future. London South East Colleges offers a mature learning environment and skill development opportunities to help you progress towards your career or university goals.

London South East Colleges provides outstanding education and training for young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) across the boroughs of Bromley, Bexley, Greenwich and Lambeth.

Nido Volans Centres

The SEND team provides discrete study programmes at Bromley, Bexley and Lambeth Nido Volans Centres. Nido Volans means ‘fly the nest’, and we aim to give our learners the skills, personal development and qualifications they need to work and live with greater independence.

Our employability programmes and extensive employer network help us identify employment opportunities for learners with Special Education Needs and Disabilities, allowing them to work and develop their skills. We also support the development of the skills of young people with more severe to complex needs need to life within the local community through our Independent Living programmes.

Nido Volans - Bromley

The learners develop both employability and independent living skills, supported by our specialist team, to prepare them for their adult life and the world of work. Our facilities at Bromley include our ‘Chefs Table’ training kitchen and restaurant, a manufacturing workshop, horticultural facilities (including a large polytunnel) and a performance space which is home to Greengoose Performing Arts - creating the perfect learning environment to develop learners’ skills.

Nido Volans - Bexley

The facilities at Bexley include an accessible independent living kitchen, a manufacturing workshop, a performance space, art and enterprise, personal presentation and ICT rooms. At the Bromley Campus, learners develop both employability and independent living skills. Students on the Personal Progression Pathways course benefit from the Walnut Tree Theatre Group, where learners participate in musical theatre workshops and a curriculum designed to develop their communication and social interaction skills. The group also put on three shows a year.

Nido Volans - Lambeth

The new facilities at Lambeth include an accessible independent living kitchen, a manufacturing workshop, an art and enterprise studio, a bespoke classroom for our learners with complex needs, and general ICT rooms. At Lambeth, learners develop both employability and independent living skills. Students on the Personal Progression Pathways course benefit from a personalised curriculum.  All learners actively use the local community to increase confidence and independence.  The facilities are fully accessible and offer dedicated spaces for SaLT, physio and occupational therapy.

Coffee Mornings

Our coffee morning events provide a fantastic opportunity for parents/carers and potential learners to understand what studying at the Outstanding Nido Volans Centre is like. You will be shown around the facilities while your host discusses the available course pathways. Our staff will outline specific admissions requirements, detail the learner support systems in place and answer any questions you might have regarding transitions and learner-specific needs.

All coffee mornings run for approximately one hour.

  • Bromley Campus

    To find out more contact:

    Clare Hollick
    Email Clare at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
    Phone 020 3954 5468

    Tuesday 12 November  9.45am-10.45am
     Wednesday 27 November   9.45am-10.45am
     Wednesday 11 December 9.45am-10.45am
    Wednesday 15 January   9.45am-10.45am
     Wednesday 29 January  9.45am-10.45am
    Wednesday 12 February  9.45am-10.45am
    Wednesday 5 March  9.45am-10.45am
    Wednesday 19 March 9.45am-10.45am
    Wednesday 23 April 9.45am-10.45am
    Wednesday 7 May 9.45am-10.45am

  • Bexley Campus

    To find out more contact:

    Ellie Watson
    Email Ellie at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
    Phone 020 3954 4189

     Friday 15 November    10am-11am
     Friday 29 November    10am-11am
     Friday 13 December    10am-11am
     Friday 17 January   10am-11am
    Friday 31 January 10am-11am
    Friday 14 February 10am-11am
    Friday 7 March 10am-11am
    Friday 21 March 10am-11am
    Friday 25 April 10am-11am


  • Lambeth Campus

    To find out more contact:

    Chinwe Okonkwo
    Email Chinwe at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
    Phone 020 7326 5890

     Tuesday 12 November  10am-11am
     Tuesday 3 December    10am-11am
     Tuesday 14 January   10am-11am
     Tuesday 4 February    10am-11am
     Tuesday 25 February    10am-11am
     Tuesday 12 May   10am-11am
     Tuesday 10 June   10am-11am
    Tuesday 1 July  10am-11am



Student Support

Starting college can be a giant leap if you have just finished school or are returning to education after a few years. We will make this transition as easy as possible, providing all the support you need to settle in

Financial Support

We are committed to supporting students in order for them to overcome any financial barriers to learning.

Term Dates

Key term dates and opening times