What you will study
Knowledge Demolition Operatives are required to know and understand:
- Demolition Procedures and Methods
- The planning process for demolition operations, utilising standards, the role of Building Information Modelling and - Computer Aided Design
- What is covered in a refurbishment and demolition survey, why it is intrusive and the importance of destructive inspection
- The decommissioning of services to structures and the requirement to render safe prior to any work being carried out
- The approach and methods of demolition manually by hand or mechanical, including soft strip, wall, floor, roofing & façade retention
- Hand and Power tools for demolition Operations
- Different types of structures and materials
- Fuel cutting operations
- Health, Safety and Environmental Protection
- Lifting & Demolition Plant Operations
- Your Organisation and the wider Demolition Industry
Skills Demolition Operatives will learn:
- Health, safety & environmental protection
- Demolition Procedures and Methods
- Hand and Power tools for demolition Operations
- Fuel cutting operations
- Lifting & Demolition Plant Operations
- Communication
- Team working
- Attitude
- Self-discipline
- Compliant
- Contribution and effectiveness
Entry Requirements
You will need Maths and English GCSE Grades 9 - 2 or Functional Skills Entry Level 3 or an initial assessment results at Entry Level 3. Individuals requiring additional support are required to participate in an intensive week programme; otherwise, they are mandatory to attend weekly sessions.
END POINT ASSESSMENT This consists of two distinct assessment methods:
• Practical Test
• Professional Discussion -
Moving Forward
You will gain a Level 2 Demolition Operative
You can go on to be a Demolition Manager or Health and Safety Officer.
27 months