Family / School / General Social Workers

A Family, School, or General Social Worker provides specialized assistance to vulnerable families and children. Intervenes in crisis situations; evaluates individual and family needs, helps clients get access to health care, mental health care or social services such as housing assistance. Advocates for clients and provides follow up visits. May work with teachers, parents and school administrators to help students improve academically and deal with social issues such as bullying.

About this Career

Average Salary


New workers start at around £11,848. Normal pay is £25,593 per year. Highly experienced workers can earn up to £36,418

Annual Openings


Job counts include both employed and self-employed persons in London, and do not distinguish between full and part-time jobs

Daily Tasks

  • Attends meetings with colleagues and outside agencies.
  • Makes referrals to other agencies such as social services and educational psychologists.
  • Writes up case notes, prepares reports, keeps up-to-date records on clients.
  • Advises clients and their families on available resources.
  • Works with social worker to identify, plan and deliver appropriate support to families facing a variety of difficulties.
  • Deals with issues relating to poor attendance at school.

Skills Employers are looking for

Skills Importance
Active Listening 76%
Monitoring 71%
Speaking 70%
Learning Strategies 70%
Reading Comprehension 69%
Writing 68%
Active Learning 64%
Critical Thinking 63%
Mathematics 41%
Science 22%