Chris Becks

Childcare Level 3

Charlotte is the second of our more recent students to gain access to the highly prestigious Norland College after an excellent performance on her Childcare Level 3 course at Bromley Campus. Charlotte is one of our students from the class of 2020 who were forced into facing four months of lockdown and required to study remotely to complete her course. This she did admirably and was awarded straight distinction grades with one distinction-star!

Charlotte says:

“My course at London South East Colleges was just brilliant from the outset. I have always wanted to work with children and I’d also love to travel and live abroad one day. Becoming a Norland Nanny will enable me to do this but there’s a long way to go. The standards here are set very high and you are put through a rigorous training programme designed to give you skills in children’s care, food and nutrition, child health, psychology, education, as well as the more unusual side of the profession; skid-pan driving, self-defence and anti-terrorism training. I have been very well prepared for this at the College and I’m very confident that I can go on and achieve all of my ambitions.”








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