Riyanna Hewitt-Newell

Sports and Exercise Science Level 3 Diploma

Riyanna Hewitt-Newell, 22 from Lewisham began her studies at London South East Colleges back in 2014 after leaving school.

Throughout her first year of the course however, and despite reaching her desired maths grade, she was averaging merit grades rather than distinctions and so decided to ask her tutor Karen how she could improve on this. Back came the answer - “Spend less time in the student common room and more time in the library. From there on, Riyanna took the advice and completed the course with two distinctions and one merit. She has recently graduated from Middlesex University with a 2:1 honours degree. 

With her excellent grades, Riyanna is now planning to take her studies one step further and has applied for a master’s degree. She is considering careers in either physiotherapy or sports rehabilitation.

Riyanna says:

“Well I did ask, and thankfully I was given a frank and very direct answer. It was time to get my head down, concentrate and take the course far more seriously if I wanted to fulfil the expectations I had for myself.

“Cutting a long story short, I kept with me all the great advice I learnt from my brilliant tutors Karen, Lee and Lincoln. They were absolutely amazing tutors and I feel that I owe them a lot. They more than prepared me for university. They enabled me to think on my own feet, how to prepare myself for exams and assessments, to see a much bigger picture of the sports science sector and most of all, how to motivate myself and believe in my own abilities. Thank you all so much.”






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